Holiday Blues

            The holidays may be a joyous event, but for me, it has never been the same since I moved away for college. So I am only two hours  from home, but as I have gotten older, I’ve come to realize juggling school, work, and staying as close as you use to be with family isn’t easy at all.

            When I was younger, I use to look forward to helping with the tree, waiting for out of town family to arrive, keeping my cousins entertained while the food is being prepared. Now, by the time I go home all the decorations are put up. Now that my brother is older he had to take over the duties of the outside decorations. Instead of waiting for family to show up, I am one of the last ones arriving at the house since I work. With my job, it requires me to stay on campus a few days before the holiday, and  return on the next working day. It’s not a regular winter vacation like most students which a month off, mine is about a week. That is probably what bothers me the most, is that I am so close to my family, then leaving when I had never been without them and having to change my ways.

            To help with the stress over the holidays I try to help my family from a far. For starters, I send my mom money to help her out with gifts, or buying the food needed for the meal. Another thing I do is as soon as I enter the house I am fast at work trying to help with her anything I can whether it’s setting the table, baby sitting the kids, or cleaning up after everything. Although this means less rest time for me since I already don’t get enough, it is worth bonding with my family for the little time I have with them during the holidays. 
Resolution to Holiday Blues

            For resolving these holiday blues, there are many ways to overcome them and have a great holiday experience with the family. Most are easy when it comes to stress. Little things like not drinking alcohol so much, eating healthy and not overloading on food, and resting as much as possible are all main things that can be done.

            Now what if you can’t change your diet, because this is the only time you get homemade food, and you know there is just no way to turn your back on it? I know because that's me, I just eat in small portions throughout the day, it keeps you from being full after one meal and gives you enough time to digest before getting more. But what if you are willing to change your diet? It does not mean you have to give up the turkey or ham, but what if you can make a salad with ham on top with all the normal sides just in smaller portions. Another key thing to think about is instead of loading up on sodas, just drink one and then after it is done just drink water, the water will fill you faster too which could also be beneficial.

            But there are other things to relieve the stress. For instance, I eliminated getting gifts for everyone in my family, because I don’t have time with finals, and working, so I just make sure I can make it to the events and show my love that way. My family is understanding, and are happy to just have me around. Another thing to think about is not to over whelm yourself with activities you have to do when you get home, rest as much as you can and have fun. I have a family friend who makes sure they have game nights throughout the vacation period so everyone can come together. They play dance games on the wii, charades, and many other board games they have. Events with families don’t work though unless everyone is involved, I’ve seen his parents get really into charades and the whole family is just laughing, and through that, the stress is gone for a bit and everyone is just having a good time. There is nothing I’ve seen work better then game nights with everyone. With so much laughing or dancing, there is exercise getting done, and holiday food is being burned, so consider both ideas since they come hand in hand.

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    Blog written by Stephanie Rivera