It’s crazy to think that we go about with our daily routines whether it be working, going to school, or relaxing at home, yet, we don’t think about how our fitness has an impact on our health. Being healthy shouldn’t just be an option; it should be an important aspect in our lives. I like to spend every other morning throughout the week doing some type of workout or exercise that I know benefits me. I also have a habit of reading calories on the wrappers of food I am about to consume. I fail to admit that at times, junk food such as chips, candy, cookies, and all that “good” stuff gets the best of me. You know that feeling when you can’t resist something like checking Facebook or twitter before you go to bed, well that’s similar to the feeling I get when my little brother somehow drags me to that junk food aisle at H-E-B, or when your roommates gone and you know she/he has candy somewhere stashed so you take some without asking. It’s just so hard to say no or stay away because it’s so good. Eating it lasts thirty seconds, feeling guilty afterward because you ate it lasts about two minutes, and if you don’t do anything about it, it can last forever.
On a website by the name of, there is a paragraph were Dr. Laura L. Payne of the University of Illinois shares a bit of her knowledge and says, “taking part in recreational activities, particularly outdoors, can improve your physical wellness. In fact, people who frequently take advantage of park activities have fewer doctor visits, lower body mass indexes and lower systolic blood pressures than those who don't.” Reading this should already encourage you to take advantage of what you can do to improve your health. I know however, that some of us feel like it’s impossible to make time. We are already accustomed to our busy schedules that we do daily, but doing these exercises and outdoor activities can really make an impact towards our well being. If there is one thing you should value in life, it’s your health.

 According to the 2005 California State Parks report, “wellness is an important part of your overall health and can impact your physical well-being. Participating in leisure and recreation activities can help you better manage stress and reduce depression. Leisure provides you the chance to find balance in your life; it also puts you in control of how you're spending your time.” (Livestrong) I understand that sometimes it may be difficult and overwhelming when you have many tasks and situations you have to manage on your plate. Being a college student alone can sometimes feel like a great deal. In this quote it says that participating in sports and recreation events can allow you to direct your time and when someone is able to run there time correctly it seems a whole lot less stressful and you can actually get things done in a decent way. With everything you have to do, being in a rush is something you shouldn’t have to deal with. Being in a rush can cause incorrect work and half done tasks which is unacceptable. This is a great opportunity to start off your next morning with a small routine and make it apart of your daily routine. 

With a simple change in your life it can become a decision you won’t ever regret. You’d be surprised to see how much a difference fifteen minutes on a treadmill or thirty sit ups in the morning can make. On top of all this you feel better as a person and more confident with yourself. Make a schedule, find a routine that fits you, change it up every once in a while, it’s a small amount of time in your day and could impact the rest of your life.


10/22/2012 03:42:20 am

My name is Ashley and the title of your blog caught my eye. I agree with you, that our physical health is a great importance to our lives. There are many small things we can do that will help improve our daily lives. Most of them are fun and in time we would want to do the healthier than instead of seeing it as a chore. Being healthy can be addictive if only we take the right step in the smartest direction.

10/22/2012 11:48:08 am

My name is Victoria Haynes and I enjoyed reading this article because I believe in exercising every day. Although we may not think we have enough time to workout, there are short workout videos that only last 10-20 minutes. There are also tips for losing weight by taking the stairs rather than the elevator. Thanks again for writing this great blog.

10/24/2012 12:36:03 am

My name is Dora Gonzalez and I am a Communication Disorders major with a minor in psychology. I really like the website that your group set up for it has the schedules of each yoga class, zumba class, and much more. Your blog caught my attention for it is true that I get caught up in my busy schedule and do not put in the time that I need to into working out. I think in the past couple of months since the semester started I have only worked out like three times. Thanks for writing this good blog for it really reminded me on how I need to dedicate thirty minutes at least each day into doing a workout.

Trevor Kalich
10/24/2012 02:30:50 am

Hello Asenet, you may not know me, but I am apart of the Camo and Casting Outdoor Updates organization. I was very interested in your blog because I enjoy outdoor activities and trying to stay healthy. However, being in college does have many temptations and its hard to make a routine schedule. I always like to participate in sports and outdoor physical activities. I have found that not only does it keep my body healthy, it keeps my mind free and I feel less stressed. I enjoyed the part in your blog when you talked about eating the junk food only last thirty seconds, but regretting it last a lot longer. This is very true, but it can also be a driving force when trying to stay healthy. Just think of the regret you will have afterwards and you will not want to touch that junk food. I also have a theory for your brothers junk aisle problem. Some people might not agree, but I think it will work. If young kids never know what candy is or what McDonalds is, then they will not have the urge and temptations to want those specific foods. When you have children, just introduce them to only healthy foods and find which one they prefer the most. That way they aren't always begging their parents to drive and get chicken nuggets, happy meals, or the junk food aisle. Being healthy and staying healthy is all in your head. Having dedication, motivation, and will power can ultimately keep you healthy. This was a great blog and I enjoyed reading it.
P.S. I hope your roommate doesn't find out about her missing candy.

10/24/2012 03:06:34 am

Hello, my name is Leo and I am the Public Relations and Networking person for South Texas Farm and Ranch Association. I found this article very interesting because I myself am a TAMUK student and I often go to the REC and participate in intramural sports. After reading your article I decided to take a look at the REC closely to see all the various equipment and opportunities for students to utilize. Very interesting article, Great Job.

10/24/2012 03:50:04 am

My name is Adrianna Sulaica and I am part of the Travel4U organization. Seeing only the title of your blog really caught my eye. After reading through the article, I have truly been inspired to make time to exercise. The quote by the California State Parks really helped put it into perspective. Not only will it help with stress, but it can help, as you stated, direct my time to "get things done in a decent way." I am really inspired to make time every morning to exercise now. Thank you for this article; it was very interesting and enlightening.

Kelsey Schumaker
10/25/2012 05:30:50 am

Hi there! My name is Kelsey Schumaker and I attend Texas A&M University-Kingsville and I hold the Public Relations position for our website that my group and I have called Global Connect. I really enjoyed reading your blog about over all health and everyday physical activity. I find this not only to be very important, but its also something that is extremely necessary! With a big portion of the world suffering with some type of obesity or diabetes, I think that this is a great message to get out to people. I really liked the quote that you used from Dr. Laura Payne about "improving your physical health and wellness" Not only will it make you a better person but it will help boost your confidence and your self esteem. Great blog!


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    Blog written by Asenet Vallejo